Holy. Fucking. Shit. As somebody who grew up with (not to mention downright idolized) the original trilogy — AKA “the one true trilogy” — I am completely in love with Chop Shop‘s exceptional pinstriped take on Darth Vader.

Of course the pinstriped takes on everyone’s favorite Wookie Chewbacca and those Bantha riding Tusken Raiders are nothing to sneeze at… Still, my heart belongs to Vader.

After feasting your eyes upon it, can you seriously blame me? If Lucasfilm knew what was good for them, they’d spare Chop Shop the inevitable C&D headed their way and start carrying these tees in their shop — which is full of WWE grade drek as far as I’m concerned. I know that they won’t tho — and that’s a damn shame.

So get them while the getting is good, kids…

$25.00 | Credit | URL | M: S – 2XL